Title: In The Fairytale (In The Moments #3) Author: Joan Duszynski Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: December 4, 2014 Cover Design: Once Upon A Time Covers Add To Goodreads | Listen To The Playlist Synopsis: In Every fairytale there's anger, hurt, and love. For Raleigh Jefferson her fairytale is no different. Since she was a little girl, watching Snow White meet her prince as she frolicked through the forest, the idea of Happily Ever After was embedded in Raleigh's mind. Her heart skipped a beat over the Beast's love of Belle, and she knew she'd swim the ocean to save her black haired prince from drowning, even without a mermaid tail. Destiny and forever. She wouldn't settle for anything less. She wasn't looking for a man to frolic in the forest for her. If she were to actually witness such a thing she'd probably smack the man for acting a fool. But she did want her own Cinderella story. She wanted to glide down the ai...
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