Title: The Dreams of Broken Kings Series: Fae Guardians–Season of the Wolf Trilogy Author: Lana Pecherczyk Genre: Paranormal Romance Release: January 28th, 2021 Cover designer Lana Pecherczyk GET YOUR COPY HERE⇾⇾ https://books2read.com/u/3RKYGD ⭐Also Available on Kindle Unlimited⭐ Goodreads BookBub Blurb After being abandoned as a child, Ada has learned to choose her friends and lovers wisely. And then a nuclear winter froze the world, taking everything she fought so hard to keep. When she inexplicably wakes years later in a new world full of magic, and where humans are the enemy, all she wants is to find her two best friends... if they’re even alive. Jasper knows he is someone damaged and dangerous, the scars on his body prove it. But his memories have been taken from him. He knows not why, or how, he came to be in the locked room with the pretty, vulnerable human, but he knows three things: the King wants him dead, Ada is his mate, and he’ll do anything to claim her. Trusting...
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