Title: Rain Street (The Rain Street #3) By: TJ West Release Date: December 19 th , 2014 Hosted By: Author Sandra Love Words can hurt. Words can do all sorts of things to a persons mind: self doubt, low self esteem, self conscious, self hate, depression. It can change who you are and what you used to be. On the outside, Beth Winters is proper, stoic, chic, and beautiful, yet on the inside she is shy, hesitant, self conscious and deeply torn - torn from her abusive marriage - therefore, believing in herself again will take a very special man to help her find her way back. Blaine Sullivan was physically abused as a kid; stepping out of line with his father always had him end up with a busted rib or a blow to the face. He wasn’t about to let the history of his abuse change who he was - he would better himself for his son, Joey, and be the father he deserved. Furthermore, finding a woman who would love him is something Blaine thought he could never achieve - until Beth r...