Title: Clipped Wings Series: Kings MC Romance #2 Author: Betty Shreffler Genre: Standalone MC Romance Release Date: April 27, 2018 Blurb They call me the Devil’s assassin. It’s true. I have blood on my hands. As the VP of the Serpents, my life is driven by loyalty, honor, brotherhood. Until I see her. Too young, too innocent. Mine to claim. What I am, what I do, can never reach her. My dark secrets are scars I bear alone. I’m torn between my duties and the woman I’ll die to protect. Until...they try to take what’s mine. ADD TO GOODREADS Visit Betty's Facebook Page for a release day giveaway Purchase Links 99c for a limited time AMAZON US / UK / CA / AU Free in Kindle Unlimited Playlist Excerpt THE CLUBHOUSE IS buzzing with life tonight. Every member and their ol’ lady came out for the cage fight. No other MC members are allowed on a night like this. It’s in-house and exclusive. Keeps the...
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