Title: String Me Series: Jaded Ivory Series Author: Rebecca Brooke Genre: Contemporary Romance (Rockstars) Release Date: April 25, 2019 Vegas At least, it sounded like a good idea at the time. I mean what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? Not so much. Not when I make rash decisions and the whole world was there to catch my stupidity on camera. But this time... This time, I took someone down with me and she didn’t deserve any of the sh*t being thrown her way. The band is pissed I screwed up again. She's being unfairly hounded by the paparazzi. I regret everything that's happened. What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there. But the bad press isn’t my fault. Things have to go right at some point. Don’t they? Konny - “The writing is great and I loved loved loved the characters and the story. 5 stars.” Michelle - “It’s funny, sexy and even has some mystery.” Becca - “OM...
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