Review: The Duke of Diamonds (The Games of Gentlemen #1) by Emily Windsor

The Duke of Diamonds (The Games of Gentlemen, #1)


A lady intent on deception...

A duke who knows every trick in the book...

A passionate obsession with fiery consequences.

With a coldness to match the diamonds that adorn his cravat, Casper Brook, the eighth Duke of Rothwell, possesses all a nobleman could desire...almost.

So when a seductive minx perches upon his desk and claims to know the whereabouts of his one deepest obsession, temptation beckons to uncover all her secrets.

With a boldness to match the red-flame of her hair, Miss Evelyn Pearce possesses naught but an ailing young sister and an ebony-black cat...almost.

Her plan to deceive a duke of ruthless reputation is audacious, but in true society, weren't all dukes braying and buffle-headed with jovial smiles and far too many acres?

Plots unravel, guises fall, passion flares and deceiving the flawless Duke of Diamonds has sparkling consequences...

A sensual Regency romance with warmth and wit.

From the bestselling author of Amazon No.1 Regency Romance, 'Let Sleeping Dukes Lie', comes this new series….

1 – The Duke of Diamonds
2 – The Rake of Hearts
3 – The Earl of Spades
4 – The Prince of Clubs


This type of books are the reason why I LOVE historical fiction so much. It has perfect characters, an interesting story, and it's very well-written. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The story has me enthralled right from the beginning.

Miss Evelyn Pearce decides to fool a Duke by selling him a fake painting. This is the only way she can save herself and her ailing sister. She owes money to some unsavory people and she is running out of time. In her mind, there is no chance for the Duke to realize that the work is a forgery. These rich people don't know much about art anyway. Unfortunately for her, this one Duke is well worse in the art and the painting is one that means more to him than Evelyn realizes...

Casper knew right from the start that the young woman is trying to con him. But he wants to know where this goes. She has intrigued him. He is willing to play the fool for her and find out what motivated her to do this. She is playing with fire and someone can get hurt.

Soon, the two of them start falling in love. There is an undeniable attraction between them and things are bound to spiral... Neither is going to get what they want. Maybe they will get something better...
It's an amazing historical romance novel. These characters have now become my favorite characters. I really love it when I can like the characters. And imagine my delight when I realized that there will be more books in this series. I'm looking forward to them. Also, I think this is definitely a must-read book for anyone who enjoys good fiction.


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